Sometimes up. Sometimes down.

           Sometimes up. Sometimes down.

Nice to meet you. I will be coming around twice a month. I am a product of Veronica's mind and fingers. Today Veronica is at Young Hickory coffee shop wearing a purple shirt with Hot Air Balloons on it. She isn't trying to make some statement about the importance of slow and aimless travel though she does find merit in wandering with no purpose. We (Veronica and I) hope you enjoy the meanderings of her site. Veronica will do her best to create a multi-modal blog post. Incorporating sights and sounds of all sorts. Today, she will leave you with a drawing connected to having Bipolar 1 Disorder. She will also post a song she wrote years ago during a low point.'s been me the whole time. Veronica. I've just been talking in third person. Don't freak out.