Some people wear their heart on their sleeves. I wear mine as pants.
Our physical bodies connect to our brain and one controls the other. It flip flops. Sometimes we give in to our bodies wants while our brains know better. Sometimes our brain is at full attention while our bodies naturally fade. Sometimes our brain can say "yes" as our heart says "no" and two weeks later the brain says "no" and the body says "yes" to the same exact situation. Sometimes, on rare occasions, my brain and the brains of people dealing with mental illness have the ability to aggressively control the body. Not only control it, but dictate how it will respond to situations that are perceived as real. In those rare moments the nervous system spikes. The perception of hearing becomes distorted and though my body is telling me "Don't worry, it is quiet," my brain is telling me, "You are hearing things and those things you are hearing are real." While my body is saying, "Don't leave, you are safe," my brain is saying, "Everyone in this room is whispering about you and they are all plotting to kill you."
There aren't enough pushups in the world to make the body stronger than the brain.
Good news? We can make our brains even stronger, which naturally opens up physical benefits. Practice mindfulness. Strive for moderation. Find opportunities for discipline. Our brains can encourage our bodies.
At the end of the day the brain and body end up being one thing. And the puppeteer behind it all is our soul force. We are a vehicle for change. Whatever type of change that might be. Good or bad. I try to find time to appreciate this whole experience of living. I lie in the sun, I close my eyes in silence, I go to the beach and I never forget to bring my flip flops.